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Violinist with the violin bow

Hailed as "a force to be reckoned with" whose performances are "passionate and transporting", violinist Dominika Dancewicz is a native of Poland.

As an orchestra musician Ms. Dancewicz has performed on the world’s most prestigious concert stages including the Berlin Philharmonic, Auditorio Nacional in Madrid, the National Library in Vienna, Royal Festival Hall in London, Salle Pleyel in Paris, Concertgebouw in Amsterdam, Kennedy Center in Washington, D.C. and Carnegie Hall in New York. Throughout her career she collaborated with artists of exceptional international prominence: Christoph Eschenbach, Krzysztof Penderecki, Krystian Zimerman, Tabea Zimmermann, Barry Douglas, Grigori Zhyslin, Ivan Monighetti, and many others. Her recording credits include Dux, Deutsche Grammphon and Navona Records labels.


Dominika Dancewicz came to the United States after completing her Master's Degree in Violin Performance at the Krakow Music Academy in Poland. She also received Master’s Degree from Rice University Shepherd School of Music in Houston, and Artist Diploma from Denver University Lamont School of Music in Denver, Colorado. Her main teachers in the United States were Kenneth Goldsmith and Yumi Hwang-Williams.

Dominika's professional career spans through a number of prominent professional orchestras and ensembles in Poland and in the United States, several professional chamber music groups, solo performances and notable teaching experience. In Poland Ms.Dancewicz served as an assistant concertmaster of Sinfonietta Cracovia, one of the best chamber orchestras in Europe. She was also selected to join the Polish Festival Orchestra lead by the great pianist Krystian Zimerman. The PFO toured extensively throughout Europe and the United States performing Frederick Chopin’s Piano Concertos with Krystian Zimerman as soloist. Ms. Dancewicz participated in the historic recording of the Chopin Piano Concertos for Deutsche Grammophon label.


Dominika Dancewicz is an avid chamber musician and performed in an array of chamber music groups in Europe, Asia and the United States. 

In Poland, alongside her parents and brother - all professional string players - she was the founder of the unique The Dancewicz Family String Quartet. Her Family Quartet's performances were broadcast on Polish National TV and radio stations. Ms. Dancewicz also spent six months in Japan performing with the Polish String Quartet.

In Houston she is the founding member of two acclaimed groups - the Axiom Quartet and Duo Dramatique. Axiom is a dynamic professional string quartet that performs a fusion of traditional classical music and other genres, including folk music, tango, pop, rock, indie and EDM.

Axiom Quartet has signed with PARMA Recordings label and released the debut album in March of 2018. The album garnered enthusiastic critical acclaim and sold out on within one day. In the summer of 2018 the group traveled to China on their first international tour.


Alongside excellent pianist Donald Doucet, Ms.Dancewicz is the founder of the renowned Houston-based violin/piano ensemble Duo Dramatique (formerly The Dancewicz-Doucet Duo). The Duo's concerts have been hailed as "riveting and thought-provoking", as they deliver compelling programming and passionate, powerful performances. Duo Dramatique's first full-length CD with Violin Sonatas by Edward Elgar, Claude Debussy and W.A.Mozart was commercially released in the Spring of 2018 to critical acclaim in the United States and Europe. Their second commercial album "CROSSROADS" was released in the fall of 2021 on Navona Records. 


Dominika Dancewicz maintains a very active freelancing schedule. She served as principal second violin of Orchestra X and Houston Chamber Orchestra. She was also a member of Colorado’s Boulder Philharmonic and principal second violin of the Boulder Chamber Orchestra. ​She has been invited to perform with the New World Symphony, Shreveport Symphony and repeatedly with the Victoria Bach Festival. In Houston Ms.Dancewicz has performed with River Oaks Chamber Orchestra, Houston Ballet, Foundation for Modern Music, Opera in the Heights, Opera Vista, Masquerade Theater, Theater Under the Stars, Aperio Americas and Musiqa. She was recently appointed the Concertmaster for the Opera in the Heights orchestra. She is also a member of the Classical Music Institute Chamber Orchestra of San Antonio (CMI). 


Dominika Dancewicz is a highly accomplished and sought-after violin teacher. She is currently the adjunct Professor of Violin at the University of St.Thomas in Houston. Her students have repeatedly won placements in the Region and All State Orchestras, as well as in Houston Youth Symphony. She successfully prepares her advanced students for college auditions. She is particularly proud of having provided quality violin lessons to Houston's under-served communities through Houston Youth Symphony Melody Program between 2009-2019.

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